Archive for the i say… Category

Prelude in G minor

Posted in cutiuta cu idei, english stuff, facts, i say..., love on May 29, 2009 by floaredecolt

I just watched a movie, which even superficial as it was, really made me think.  Maybe it was the story that brought out some old ideas and present beliefs. The plot is really unimportant, what matters is what it awakened inside me.

For some time I’ve been thinking that people don’t appreciate what they have, as they should; and it grew inside me, stronger and stronger until I managed to find a way to paint my thoughts.

None of you appreciate what you have, and probably I don’t either. We just take it for granted, don’t see the beauty in every sunrise or sunset. First we consider the sunrise mundane, then the sunset, then the whole day…then the whole year. Who do we think we are to do something so horribly horrifying as that?! Who are we to stop appreciating a ray of light, a drop of rain? As simple as they are. We have become so ignorant that, when we do realize, it becomes painful.

We should love every second, every little thing…every drop of rain in a storm. We should stop taking things for granted and realize how lucky we are to be able to experience it all. To be loved. What more is there to ask?


Please, don’t forget to appreciate a finger…a kiss.


Posted in i say... on April 26, 2009 by floaredecolt

Lasa…sa fiu eu fraiera daca asta-i pretul.


Posted in blahblah, i say..., photo, photograhpy, poze, Project AZ with tags , , , , on January 5, 2009 by floaredecolt


G for G-ambling.


You gamble everyday with your own life.


PS: I never expected this feeling. It really took me by surpise. I’d take your pain if I could. But i can’t. 😦

Protected: Meh

Posted in cutiuta cu idei, disectie, facts, i say..., protest, si ti se face rau... on January 4, 2009 by floaredecolt

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Happy? Happy!

Posted in aberatii, Copilita fara minte..., i say..., photo, photograhpy, poze on December 27, 2008 by floaredecolt

..everybody’s happy!

Yes, today i was proven, again, that we are reallllly thinking the same. I mean c’moooon. Booooth AM? haha. That was amusing.

Yesterday waaaaaaaas…wonderful, more than wonderful. Wonderfully-amazing. Hehe. It was one of the best days in some time. This is the pleasure, being comfortable with someone, being able to do or say whatever comes to your mind. That’s the best thing. Being comfortable but still having that dizzy like something’s jumping in your stomach up and down kind of feeling.

Acum. Am fost chemata la datorie de Master.

1. I’ve grown alot and learned a couple of important life shit. I also got rid of the …devil? haha

2. I’ve been improving my photo technique aloooooot. And i’m really proud.

3. I got a new veeeeeeeeery good friend. Yeah yeah *cough cough*

4. I became a music addict.

5. I finally got over the stuff i should’ve had a long time ago.

6. Him

7. I’ve made my parents proud.

8. I stopped eating cappy stuff.

Day B. B for Belt.


Here we go again….

Posted in aberatii, amuzament, Copilita fara minte..., english stuff, Eu si doar Eu, i say..., intrebari, leapsa on November 7, 2008 by floaredecolt

Cum nu se putea sa fiu eu ratata…iata:

1.If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?

Hmmm. Pentru a miia si o suta oara repet: depinde! Omu tot om ii, si toti gresim. Acum…conteaza daca e o greseala sa nu.  😉 Oricum, increderea ar fi relativ sfaramata dupa un asa experiment, insa nu ne dam batuti, nu-i asa?

2. If you have a dream you’d like to come true, what is it?

| E / | | |  . Here.  Mhmm.

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

Vecinului de la 8, profei de geogra si engleza, and…just any guy owning a red mustang would do it.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

As dona bani proiectului “Teleportare”. Mi-as cumpara o casa, cat de mica in America, as calatori, as da bani pe tampenii, mi-as lua un aparat foto asa cum vreau eu…si na. As investi.

5. Will your best friend always be your best friend?

Asta e o intrebare relativ cretina. Ma intreb daca raspunde cineva cu nu…dar eu va zic un da clar si raspicat.

6. Have you ever been in love with 2 people at once?

Hmmm. I don’t think that can happen. But yeah, i liked more than one person in the same time. Intotdeauna unul dintre sentimente e mai puternic.

7. How long would you wait for someone you really loved?

Even when you’re holding somebody else’s hand  you don’t stop waiting. It’s not really a matter of how much you want to wait.

8. If you won the lottery, would you quit the job?

Pai, eu sper sa ajung sa fac ceva ce imi place. Atunci nu cred ca as renunta la job, poate doar as face in asa fel incat sa lucrez mai putin. Poate mi-as deschide o clinica *shurgs*

9. Who is on your celebrity top 5 … you know, the ones … that if you ever had an opportunity …

Deci. Unu anume care arunca si el cu muzica buna in mine de fiecare data cand deschid calculatorul. Accentul ala ma termina. Turner. *daaaaa stiuuu. dati-va ochii peste cap* dar eu vreau doar sa vorbeasca. Nu ma intereseaza daca e cretin. Chiar nu ma intereseaza. Poate sa si povesteasca cum a fost la curse sau ce a visat. Nu prea e relevant.

10. What sucks the life out of you?
Grijile. Continua incercare de a-mi reveni. Paranoia.

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?

Nu vreau sa ma imaginez in nici un fel peste 10 ani. Asa cum o sa fie asa o sa fie….totusi nu ar strica sa stau intr-o casa mare, cu prieteni, sa rad, sa fiu fericita. Si nici el aici nu ar strica.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

I don’t know her. She’s a complete stranger to me. I’d like to know more tho. [ mwahahaha *hug* Ale ]

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but pour?
Mi s-a mai pus intrebarea asta. Daca as fi married and happy then yeah. Better married than pour. I wouldn’t like to be single and rich but…yeah. Can’t i have something in between? Is it really like that? Married or single? I just want to be loved. Nothing would matter then. I think?

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Imagine my cell drowning in water tank.

16. Would you give all in a relationship?

Da. Indiferent de cate ori o sa o patesc. Daca nu ai risca, si ai trai intr-o cutie…., cum sa spui ca “da. Mi-am trait viata.”. Asa cum e ea.

17. Is your career vitally important to you?

I just want to like what i’m doing. If it would bring me enough money to be comfortable it would be great. And my theory says ” If you do something you like, you’ll be among the best at it.”

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?\

Nu o sa bag chestia cu “Forgive but not forget”. I would forgive. People do mistake. It’s not my job to judge. It’s their problem. Sincer, nici nu imi imaginez ce ar putea face cineva atat de grav incat sa nu mai uit si nici sa nu iert.

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?

Having one. But you know, not just for the sake of it. If i do have one, i want to be loved, and to mean something to me. Than something fake…better single.

Dupa bunul meu obicei. Inchei aceasta serie de intrebari. Daca cineva doreste totusi sa raspunda, sa pofteasca.

Nu-mi bag nasu’ in oalele voastre.

I feel good, tanananana!

Posted in aberatii, Copilita fara minte..., english stuff, Eu si doar Eu, facts, i say..., love, mie mi s-a intamplat, Viata cu ale ei on November 3, 2008 by floaredecolt

Yeah, indeed. I feel good. I feel fine. Hehe and no, i’m not on pot.

I’m glad i have him, I’m glad i have her, and all the other friends and people around me. I’m glad to be safe and feel different, I’m glad I’m growing every day.

I had an exceptional weekend, with sleep, movies, jokes, puns, inside jokes, walks along the riverside, music [lots of music], chocolate and sweets… and talks in the cold dark night.

I love spontaneus inteligence and my new alphabet. I love today, and yesterday and probably next day.

I’m planning to love the whole next period of time.

Else…i have nothing much to say.

Gradul 3 in lift

Posted in aberatii, amuzament, ca la bloc, dorinte, i say..., mie mi s-a intamplat, protest, si ce?, si ti se face rau... on October 30, 2008 by floaredecolt

Pentru inceput, vreau sa va spun ca nu am nimic cu preferintele sexuale ale nimanui. Din punctul meu puteti sa faceti ce doriti, cu cine doriti, unde si cum doriti.

Acum, sa va povestesc.

Ieri, alaltaieri, nu mai stiu exact, iesisem eu din casa si asteptam liftul butonand pe o aparatura [nerelevant ce]. Cu muzica intr-o ureche si cu cealalta “dezgolita” aud cum se tranteste o usa in dreapta mea. Primul instict e sa ma sperii, mai ales cand vad doi barbati ce in intunericeala aia pareau murdari si avand serviete mari in maini…recunosc. Primul gand a fost “OMG, astia tocmai au spart casa si eu acum trebuie sa cobor cu ei???”

Dupa ce s-au mai apropiat de lumina, am vazut cu nu erau atat de infricosatori si i-am salutat politicos, recunoscandu-i ca pe cuplul gay de la apartamentul 87. Ok. I have no problems with them. Am continuat sa buntonez mecanic la un mesaj [prin care spuneam ca o sa intarzi la prima ora 😛 ].

Dar iata a ca a venit liftul si iata-ne si pe noi, toti 3, inghesuiti intr-un metru patrat. Eu intoarsa spre oglinda, ocupata sa reusesc sa-mi inchid fermoarul [care se blocase] astept parcurgerea celor 10 etaje. Dupa ce am reusit sa imi conving fermoarul sa ma asculte, mi-am aruncat ochii in oglinda. In spatele meu, cei 2 indragostiti, se sarutau de mama focului.

Am simtit cum mi se intoarce stomacul pe dos si deja numa asta vedeam si auzeam. Secundele parca devenisera ore si deja simteam ca daca nu ies in urmatoarele 2 secunde din lift o sa mor.

Deci, nu am nimic cu voi. Dar…va rog. Nu in fata mea. Nu intr-un spatiu de 1 metru patrat.

No chit-chat

Posted in aberatii, dorinte, i say..., mie mi s-a intamplat, si ti se face rau..., The City on October 27, 2008 by floaredecolt

Nu ma intereseaza ce mai face iubi tau. Nu ma intereseaza ca pleci la munte de revelion. Chiar nu vreau sa stiu ca ti-ai luat o geanta noua care…oricum nu mi-ar placea, fac pariu. Tot ce iti cer e sa fi atenta la ce tai din parul meu. Atat.

Nu imi place sa ma duc la coafor sau cum ma-sa’ s-o numi si sa ascult povestea vietii unei tipe care nu stie sa acorde un predicat cu un amarat de subiect.  Nu stiu de ce majoritatea femeilor se simt nevoia sa se destainuie acolo ca la psiholog. Sau si mai si…sa faca pe psihologu’ in actiune!

Eu ma duc. Raspund doar la intrebarile necesare, zambesc, platesc si am plecat.

Apropo, m-am tuns.

Cine e de vina?

Posted in facts, i say..., si ti se face rau..., Viata cu ale ei on October 23, 2008 by floaredecolt

Oamenii sunt masochisti. Cel putin o mare parte.. Asta pentru ca, toti suntem curiosi. Unii se stapanesc, altii nu. Omul are boala curiozitatii de care nu se poate lecui, si care il distruge…bucata cu bucata.

Ti se pare ca te insala. Ce faci? Nu-mi zi mie ca  brusc nu se  scoala curiozitatea in tine si incepi sa urmaresti mai indeaproape. Unii in telefoane, altii in mailuri, pe siteuri si prin genti. Altii mai discret, numa cu privirea. Incepi sa faci diverse teste cretine pe “your significant other” sa vezi daca ai dreptate, asteptand parca, cu o placere macabra, un rezultat pozititv care sa-ti confirme banuielile. Incepi sa fi atat de obsedat incat ajungi paranoic si nu mai realizezi ca tu esti cel ciudat, care se indeparteaza si distruge tot. Dar …nuuu. Trebuie sa continui pana vei gasi ceva.

Te uiti in agenda, te uiti in mesaje-vezi un numar nou. Suni, nu iti raspunde o voce de acelasi sex. Arunci telefonul nervos pe masa, fara ca macar sa-ti treaca prin cap pentru o clipa, ca poate chiar nu exista alticineva. Cauti si mai inrait. Incepi discutii si certuri fara sens facandu-ti partenerul sa se indeparteze din ce in ce mai mult. Te enervezi cand vezi ca nu mai e ca inainte si dai imedita vina pe celalalt. Deja faci scandaluri majore. Evident ca ea/el nu te mai suporta. Trece o luna. Trec doua. Tu tot cauti si dezvolti o ura profunda pentru cel pe care odata il iubeai. Totul bazat numai pe supozitii.

Intr-o dimineata gasesti pe masa din sufragerie un bilet “Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu noi.”.

Cu un entuziasm bolnav, strigi in tine pline de multumire “Stiam eu!”

…fara macar sa te gandesti ca tu ai putea fi de vina.

Later edit: Nimic scris nu are legatura cu mine. Erau pur si simplu ganduri.